My friend Megan had her baby girl Wednesday, July 30th at 11AM – 11 days late. It’s tricky waiting for late babies when her first two had been early. But babies always come when they’re ready. Megan lost her mucos plug Monday night. I got the call at 1:30AM Wednesday morning. I drove to Megan’s home with another doula friend. When we arrived Megan’s midwife, the midwife’s assistant and apprentice and our other doula friend greeted us. Megan and Nathan were on a middle of the night walk to get labor going and do some star gazing. When they returned Nathan took a short nap and Megan and her women attendants watched the sunrise over their garden in the backyard. We had a slumber party! There was food, laughter and quiet chatter as Megan labored into the morning hours. When labor got serious, the mood became quiet and watchful as we did what we could to give Megan our love, support and touch during contractions. It was a surreal, peaceful atmosphere. Soon the children woke (3 and 5 year olds) and were cared for by their auntie. Megan spent some time in the tub that was set up in the living room. But she did not feel grounded there and the firm terra was her preference. At 7AM my doula friend and I made a coffee and bagel run. When we returned Megan’s labor really picked up! I did some eye to eye contact and breathing with her. We were in that time warp that comes with birth and before I knew it Megan sounded pushy. Big sister Nolia was catching with the Assistant Midwife, Nicole. Baby was wrapped in lots of cord and cried good and loud even before she was out. I love my friend Megan and the women that were with her for this birth. It was an honor to be a witness to Megan’s power, energy and beauty as she birthed her baby girl.

My fondest memory is of Megan’s laughter at our silly comments and observations throughout. Most profound was Megan’s birth song and when she whispered “I’m scared”. Her true concern was that her little girl was giving her a “scared” message – that her baby girl was scared to be born. It is not uncommon for a women to be scared at some point/s (pushing) during labor. As birther and birth attendant I believe that it is very important for women to give voice to that fear in a safe place, where nonjudgemental people will say, “Yes, I hear you”, “You’re safe”, “I’m here”. And then wait because only a babe in arms will answer her fears. -Rosie


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